
Tuesday 18 September 2012


Within my project I am hoping to have a certain style which is achieved. For inspiration I looked at a few sources.

One of these source is the Tale of Three Brothers, from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Specifically I looked at 0:30 - 0:45s and how the tree sheds its leaves, which at the start could be mistaken for birds and how this was achieved. Also I looked from 3:00 - 3:10, which shows birds sitting on a spindly tree and then flying into the distance. This is probably the most relevant as I will study it to see how they created such believable movements and style.

Another inspirational source is the computer game "Limbo".
Within this game the style stays very simplistic but hugely effective which is how I wish to present my idea. For instance the trees in the above image show how simplistic things are and how they have simply used fading to create depth.

The two styles shown above are very simplistic and use opacity and dull colours to create an interesting atmosphere which I will try to study and possibly replicate.

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