
Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Background images

Although the interaction will be solely focused on the grass and its effect on the environment around it, I also want to have other elements to make the scene more aesthetically pleasing and less boring.

I considered having things such as birds flying across the scene but they felt too busy and could detract from the actual interaction.

I also considered having clouds moving across the top, which I decided was a better alternative as it appears more seamless. 

Both of the videos shown above show clouds which I considered while coding my own. I ended up keeping the clouds quite basic as to not detract from the interaction and to make sure that I could focus my coding on the grass. 

This shows my trials of different opacity which I conducted to make sure that the clouds are visible but not distracting. I decided however that as long as the clouds are moving at an appropriate rate then the opacity makes little difference. Therefore I will choose the last cloud so that they are visible and just work on the movement

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