
Sunday, 17 June 2012

Final Clip

My video is uploaded on youtube but I couldn't get it to embed so I've put the link to it above and also a poor quality below, just so there is a copy on my blog

Music from:

300 words

Media Design can include the way we communicate with others, how we are entertained, through films and music and the way in which media interacts with us during our lives. So, in my film I want to focus on how our daily lives are influenced by the media around us and the design within that. Media design is interwoven into everything we do, especially as young design students.

In our daily lives we interact with media design countless times, for instance through social media such as Facebook and I see this as a chance for designers to influence those around us and how we communicate with each other. My clip demonstrates how people integrate these social media sites into their daily lives so easily and the power this has. For instance, in my clip someone takes a photo of themselves and this instantly becomes a picture on Facebook. This is merely an illustration of how people have begun to rely on sites like these.

I have also included how people are constantly using media design such as cellphones and ipods as I believe that they have become a integral part of our lives. For instance we can choose a playlist to walk to school with, blocking out the noises around us and controlling our view of the world.

The sixth sense, a product currently under development illustrates my point best. With this new device people can constantly have media design mediating between themselves and the world around them. This product  is a phone and camera while also allowing you constant information about the things around you, for instance books you are looking at buying. This invention demonstrates how reliant we are becoming on technology and the way that we have our lives filled with technology and media constantly.

Media Design is quickly becoming  an increasingly influential aspect of our society and I plan to illustrate this through my stop motion film.


Maes, P and Mistry, P. (2009). Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo Sixth Sense. Video on Retrieved ffrom

Story board:

My storyboard illustrates the comic book genre that I have illustrated throughout my project. It also shows the different aspects of media that I will include within my stop motion, such as music, cellphones, social media and laptops.

Stop motion inspiration

Juno title sequence:

This title sequence uses stop motion and an extensive process of filming the main character on a treadmill walking and animating and using stop motion to document her walking. Then the background was photographed and photocopied over and over to create a grainy texture. Finally the cut each background out with scissors and arranged it in an interesting manner. I find this a really interesting concept and will use the simplicity of mixing genres for inspiration in my stop motion.

Other inspirational stop motion videos

3 second clip

Short stop motion to demonstrate how I will show someone interacting with technology and how I will show how it affects their space- eg. the music notes filling part of the screen

Group work 1

This poster represents Iron Curtain, the interior furnishing company. We specialise with the use of our revolutionary product- the iron iron, which will be sure to 'iron out the creases'. Our product raises the curtain to reveal straight line design. 

Ashton Oliver, Richard Munn, Clementine Smart, Julie Drake.
